Know What To Do If Your Child Is Hit While Riding Their Bike
Any accident is stressful, but when your child is involved it becomes an absolute nightmare. Keeping calm, getting medical help and caring for your child will be your number one priority, but you should also be aware of the legal aspects of the incident. According to Stanford Children’s Hospital, over 250,000 children are struck by cars while bicycling each year; even worse. About a 100 of those incidents result in fatalities. Learning what to do in the aftermath of an accident now could save your child’s life later — and will also protect you legally after an accident. The most important thing is to call for medical assistance and begin providing emergency treatment as needed, but you should be aware of other needed steps as well.

Get Medical Treatment
Even if your child is alert, conscious and standing up, you should still seek out medical treatment. Internal injuries and concussion can still be present and may not have obvious signs. Stop any visible bleeding and call for assistance. If possible, leave the bike where it is and get your child to a safe location off the road.
Ask Someone you Trust to Document What Happened
Witnesses, any companions or neighbors that are with you or even other family members should document the position of the vehicle, the position and condition of the bicycle and the driver who hit your child. It is better to have someone else do this — it will allow you to focus on your child’s wellbeing and also keep your understandably angry and stressed reaction away from the driver. Anything you say or do now could cause problems for you later.
Call the Police to File a Report
If you’ve already called 911, help is on the way, but if not, do so now. Report the facts, and try to stay calm. This is an incredibly stressful and scary situation, but you need to be able to relay what happened as clearly as possible. It may not seem important immediately after the accident, but the details you share now will impact any case you have later.
Knowing what to do after a bike accident can ensure your child gets the help he needs right away and that he has access to medical care, therapy
Contact Your Accident Lawyers in West Palm Beach Florida
Whatever you do, please talk to an attorney before you talk to an insurance company about your car accident. The insurance company’s job is to pay you the least amount of money, we want to make sure you are taken care of during your time of need.
Anyone in southern Florida who has a personal injury legal issue pending should contact Smith & Vanture, LLP for a full free injury claim evaluation. Always retain an attorney who can get you what you deserve for your injury.
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